Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Contract with God

I don't really know why I was so shocked at the sexual content when I read A Contract with God,  but I was.  I never thought of Jews to be adulterous.  I am thinking it could be my Developer strength, to see the good in everyone, which makes me slightly naive, especially when it comes to anything new to me.  I think being sheltered by my parents from the world and other cultures is a factor too.  But now I can, not so much expect sexual content, be aware that it is in the novels, not all of them, just some.  I enjoyed reading A Contract with God it helped me gain a new perspective on Jewish areas in New York City.  I also didn't know they couldn't drink, and I have found there are more, not so much rules, in common with the Islamic religion than with Christianity.  I don't know if this is true, but it is something I have noticed.  Although I do not have much if any experience with either religion.  Moving on, I enjoyed the new vocabulary of the Hebrew or Yiddish, it is pretty exciting to me, I like to be exposed to new things.