Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Contract with God

I don't really know why I was so shocked at the sexual content when I read A Contract with God,  but I was.  I never thought of Jews to be adulterous.  I am thinking it could be my Developer strength, to see the good in everyone, which makes me slightly naive, especially when it comes to anything new to me.  I think being sheltered by my parents from the world and other cultures is a factor too.  But now I can, not so much expect sexual content, be aware that it is in the novels, not all of them, just some.  I enjoyed reading A Contract with God it helped me gain a new perspective on Jewish areas in New York City.  I also didn't know they couldn't drink, and I have found there are more, not so much rules, in common with the Islamic religion than with Christianity.  I don't know if this is true, but it is something I have noticed.  Although I do not have much if any experience with either religion.  Moving on, I enjoyed the new vocabulary of the Hebrew or Yiddish, it is pretty exciting to me, I like to be exposed to new things. 

1 comment:

  1. Jews can drink! I'm not sure where in the text you picked this up--- the criticisms of drinking seem to be in alcoholic situations, like the Street Singer. In fact, wine is part of many Jewish ritual ceremonies. There are many similarities between Judaism and Islam--including focuses on scriptural interpretation and law as a process-- but they differ on alcohol.

    All communities have varied behavior, including adultery. I don't know the precise rates lately (it's a hard thing for sociologists to track) but it's similar to the average American community.
